Film-Ocean presents to Global Underwater Hub members


John Bloomfield, Film-Ocean Business Development Manager recently had the opportunity to present to Global Underwater Hub members at a Breakfast Meeting.

John shared with the audience an overview about the company, an update on its new HQ facilities which are currently under construction and an insight into the full range of ROV systems which are deployed to support offshore projects in both oil and gas and renewable sectors. This also included an update on the Cougar-XT ROV and LBV fly-out solution.

For more information about each of the ROV systems click here.

AccreditationS & Certifications

Abs 02 logo png transparent
DNV GL logo tcm8 56427
BV logo Film Ocean
Lloyds Register Logo
Bsi iso 9001
ISO 45001 logo En GB 1019
IMCA Logo Full Colour JAN2020 1024x614
IS Networld Logo
Deepwind logo trans
Forth and Tay Offshore Logo
Member of NOF
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Cyber Essentials Logo 1