Film-Ocean Redefines Offshore Operations with Innovative Remote ROV Support Services


Film-Ocean, a leading provider of advanced subsea ROV services, with its remote technology partner HonuWorx, has developed and implemented a remote ROV services package. Our common goal was to revolutionise the offshore energy sector through enhanced remote support services. This collaboration combines high-tech satellite communications and remote operations to ensure uninterrupted offshore operations and rapid response to issues.

Our remote ROV support services, available globally, can function independently of the existing offshore asset communications. Leveraging the HonuWorx cloud-edge platform, Film-Ocean offers clients a reliable remote operations support service independent of an asset's existing IT infrastructure. Film-Ocean’s remote ROV support service will maximise the efficiency of our project operations' efficiency by bringing a new level of communication to offshore projects.

Our new remote ROV support service enables clients to have access to the ROV operations in real-time, with engineers and technical experts at their fingertips. Engineers can dial in from their phones, and Project Managers can log in to check the status of operations, set up access controls for inspection software and video, and interface with the offshore team. Communication is quicker, and if required, can be watched live and speak directly with the offshore team.

Scott Jenney, CEO, Film-Ocean, reported: "We're bringing a level of versatility unseen before in the sector. We have deployed this service on a number of our legacy projects over the last 2 years on locations that previously, we did not even have had direct phone connection with the offshore team in the ROV Control Container. Our newly constructed headquarters in Ellon has been designed with significant levels of redundancy in terms of power and data connectivity to ensure that we can provide our clients an uninterrupted service; ultimately, if there's sufficient bandwidth, our services can be deployed from any location. The service is highly adaptable and requires no specialist hardware for our clients to interact with the operations offshore."

Offshore energy sector clients reap significant benefits from this approach. The need for bed space is drastically reduced as only the ROV offshore team requires accommodation. The rest of the support team can operate effectively from onshore, leading to increased efficiency and substantial cost savings.

The ability to access experienced technical experts who offer real-time video streaming of offshore operations is a game-changer for clients. Not only can they observe and offer solutions remotely, but video conferences also allow attendees to view offshore operations from the team's perspective.

Film-Ocean's remote support service can facilitate quicker response times and provide immediate access to expertise, reducing the likelihood of offshore teams deviating from tasks and ensuring that any issues are addressed efficiently.

Film-Ocean recently facilitated a UK North Sea project to showcase this service's effectiveness. When an emergency Medivac situation left the offshore team short-staffed, the company quickly activated its remote support and continued the inspection scope while replacement personnel were mobilised. The project was completed without further interruptions.

"The remote ROV support services prove beneficial in overcoming challenges such as limited flight seat availability and Medi-vac situations. We can continue operations without physical presence, ensuring no job is hindered," states George Gair, Inspection Manager at Film-Ocean.

The remote Operations support service strengthens the collaborative relationship between Film-Ocean and its clients. Clients can access ROV operations in real-time, with engineers and technical expertise just a mouse click away. Communication is quicker, resources are optimised, and clients can assign personnel to various tasks while reducing physical presence needs. By removing the inspector from the offshore environment, remote inspections can support or manage the offshore operations from a dedicated onshore control room in any global location that has suitable onshore bandwidth, rather than having to place inspectors offshore.

"A project spanning 30 days and four blocks may not require the full team on the platform throughout the entire duration. The scalability of the HonuWorx cloud platform allows us to deploy highly experienced individuals as and when required," explains George Gair, Inspection Manager, Film-Ocean.

Other examples highlight the benefit of direct sharing of footage in conjunction with direct communications to the offshore team, meaning that the client’s asset integrity, maintenance and ops personnel can see issues encountered and request specific interventions and investigations in real time.

From a personnel development perspective, Film-Ocean aims to continuously enhance the skills of its offshore crew through remote services, highlighting more efficient and cost-effective methods of conducting ROV operations.

To discuss your remote operation requirements and for more information about Film-Ocean's new remote support services, please contact us at

AccreditationS & Certifications

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DNV GL logo tcm8 56427
BV logo Film Ocean
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Bsi iso 9001
ISO 45001 logo En GB 1019
IMCA Logo Full Colour JAN2020 1024x614
IS Networld Logo
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Forth and Tay Offshore Logo
Member of NOF
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